i knew i had a deadline to meet and this one creeped on me so fast. Judy O'dell's Lady's Chest stitching should be done by the end of July in order to follow her online class on finishing. i have been busy stitching since i got back from both of my lovely retreats this past week. i probably would have been done with it but i decided to change most of the designs. i figure if i am putting all this work into something i hope will last many moons i want it to represent me and my ideas. it was a little harder to change this design since we were never given stitch count and each piece came out over about an 8 month period. i did have the dimensions of each panel but i had to wait till the full design was shown. i decided i would add my late sweet Poppy dog in the design along with a different flower than Judy's. time went on and changed kept coming.
i also changed the bands that go around the chest. instead of a simple cross stitch band i put the alphabet in since i do love school girl samplers.
allot to finish but i am determine i will. i also changed the door of the lady's chest and the one below you
can see i put a flower on one side, a tree with my sweet Poppy dog on the other and then i will stitch a short saying on the inside. the other door will have similar design only i will put my full name somehow on the inside. this is when i hate that i kept my maiden name plus my married name, a bit long when ya have to stitch it in a small space. i also have to finish the back of the chest and the sides. i am leaning towards a diamond pattern for the sides with a crown or a flower in center and the back um need to decide on that one.
i have determination and even if i don't win the free Mary Whigham design i will come close to finishing. i know i will be proud that i gave it my all and what more can i ask of myself.
what have you been designing lately? any deadlines haunting you?
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